Benefits of Horn Comb for Beard

Beard Late looks into have demonstrated that 95 for every penny of UV beams from the sun are hindered by beard. Other than keeping the sun out of your face, this is likewise imperative as presentation to UV beams can bring about disease. The thicker the hair, the better! Here's your mystery to actually diminish indications of maturing. With lesser...

The Story of the Sunnah Beard

If nothing else, 2016 was the year of the beard, with facial hair acceptance growing by leaps and bounds not only here at home, but all over the nation as well. Beards have made the comeback to an en vogue fashion accessory that accentuates masculinity to boot. It is, in essence, the last bastion of manhood. Philly, for its part,...

Break Bad Beard Habits Now!

  Keeping a long beard isn’t all that simple, it requires a lot of grooming and maintenance and you must look after your beard with the same diligence that one shows to a plant. Here are some of the most horrid mistakes bearded men make and end up ruining their glorious beards: 1.  Lack of Cleanliness The cardinal rulebook of...

Pourquoi les hommes bruns ont-ils parfois une barbe rousse ?

  Photo Credit Les grandes barbes font maintenant partie des effets de la mode. Nombreux sont des hommes qui laissent pousser leurs poils dans le but d’améliorer leur look. Cependant, il y a une chose étrange qui arrive souvent aux hommes bruns à savoir les barbes rousses. Cet effet est même devenu un mystère scientifique que beaucoup tentent d’y apporter...

Comment prendre soin de sa barbe ?

 Tout comme les cheveux chez les femmes, la barbe est à l’image de l’homme qui la porte. C’est pourquoi vous devez la soigner constamment pour ne pas laisser une mauvaise impression. Un entretien au quotidien est primordial afin de la garder propre et la maintenir en bonne santé. Si vous ne maîtrisez les bonnes méthodes de soin, voici quelques conseils...

The Difference between Beard Oil and Beard Balm

If you’re scratching your beard, weighing out the effectiveness of adding beard oil or beard balm to your beard grooming regime, but just can’t seem to decide which ones best, you’re not the only one. This dilemma is most definitely the greatest of all beard grooming conundrums, and we’re going to break it down for you. So, which one is...

Split Ends are the Worst Beard Problem, Here’s How to Get Rid of Them!

Men who believe only women have to deal with split ends have obviously never grown a long beard, because as the beard grows longer and thicker, it becomes mucheasier to spot unruly split ends popping up all over the face. If you’re beard isn’t short and frizzy, you are bound to combat this problem, and this horridly nasty nuisance can...

Why is Your Beard Red, But Not Your Hair?

Photo Credit Thick and dramatically voluminous beards are trending hot on the fashion radar, and they are basically all you need to rock in order to amplify your debonair. However, if you’re growing your own beard for the very first time, and you’re noticing that your facial hair doesn’t match the color of your scalp hair, there’s really no reason...

Significance of Beard Brush and Vegan Brush

Using brushes is something fairly common be it for men or women and this calls for the usage of the right kind of brush for right purpose and also making the best of each of the brush you possess. The facial brushes used by the two genders of the human comprise of using the beard brush and the facial brush...

Benefits to have a beard

Collection of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans is known as a beard.  Some men grow beard because of religious backgrounds, customs and traditions. The beard increases the personality, confidence and also gives a cool look. It was found out that men with beards are more attractive than men with no beards. Maintaining a beard is...