Jordan Richter's biography:

The next five years would witness multiple contracts, several near death experiences, and an extreme drug overdose. In 1996, Jordan converted to Islam and paused his Skateboarding career to focus on spiritual growth and disrupting the cycles of addiction and sabotage that he had grown accustomed from being placed in such high profile spaces at such a young age.

After ten years, he returned to the professional skating scene, and launched the Jordan Richter Skateboarding academy: a pop-up camp to support youth and people of all ages to cultivate a love for skating and innovation absent of addictions.

The global phenomenon of Jordan’s skateboarding skills has taken him to Japan, Europe, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Costa Rica. He has created skateboard, designed skate parks, and trained thousands of people how to handle a board. A documentary of the ways his journey to Hajj intersects with his skating career will appear on Oprah’s OWN network in 2015.


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